It’s kind of like fishing.

Why or what is like fishing you ask?

This field, yo.

It takes patience, great timing, good bait, and a little luck to catch what you want.

I feel like at this juncture after recent announcements at HOMTV, my metaphorical lake has gotten much foggier. However, fog is not an indicator of a lack of opportunity, simply the loss of a clear path.


All-Access is going to be cooling for the month of July, ending our long running episode streak of I don’t even know how many in a row. This, makes me sad first because I didn’t take a full time position offered at Channel 10 as I wanted to still try and do the show, while making improvements. Secondly, I feel bad for the rookies and juniors who work with and around the show. Not until I saw everyone else’s reactions did I realize how many people our show affects even though nobody watches it. Hi Mom.

haha fishing

On to less whiny things now.

As for the Rookies, man, I love my team. Thanks Deb and Brandie for dropping these three gems into my life. First Richie and Alex, now these three? Clutch.  Spencer, you ask questions and work hard, I don’t care what field you’re in, keep that up and you’ll have no issues in your career endeavors. Don’t ever lose the snark either, take it from me, you will need that skill one day for radio and much more.  Zach, you are still a little raw bub, but what I’ve seen shows vast amounts of potential and I want to be one of those people who help groom you into the All-Purpose-Multimedia-Ass-Kicker I know you can be. Seeing you come back all sweaty and tired from a sporting event makes me happy because I know you are out there busting it to get the story done. Andrea, Im glad you decided to stay. Even with your experiences in the past you haven’t let that stop you from putting out good work. The best continue to get better everyday. Also, I’m glad you didn’t scare Mateen away.


As for my Juniors and other Paid HOMies. You guys know what’s up. We will get through this All-Access Hiatus.

Another reason why this field is like fishing: It’s more fun to fish with friends, than by yourself. Fortunately for me, my boat is full.

boat party

Bye, Haters.

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